02 February 2024
Alex Miller
Welcome to the Clojure Deref! This is a weekly link/news roundup for the Clojure ecosystem (feed: RSS). Thanks to Anton Fonarev for link aggregation.
Ep 109: Extractify! - Functional Design in Clojure
Find first n non-repeating objects in a sequence using Clojure - Clojure Diary
Week 3 - US Polling Places 2012-2020 - Kira McLean
A Tour of the Lisps - Colin Woodbury
MPAs vs SPAs: The False Dichotomy - Thomas Cothran
High Level Overview of the Convex Decentralised Network from a Clojure Developer’s perspective - Nikolas Pafitis
A series of clerk notebooks for learning Clojure - Anthony Galea
System-wide user.clj with tools.deps - Oleksandr Yakushev
Let’s write a templating library 🔎 Part 1: lexing - Gert Goet
Semantic Image Search with Clojure - Adrian Smith
The things I like about ClojureScript and Re-Frame - Mikko Rönkkömäki
Using transducers - Andrey Listopadov
New releases and tools this week:
quadtree-cljc 0.1.5 - A quadtree implementation for clojure(script)
zero 0.0.1 - Build web components in ClojureScript
fullstack-kitchen-sink-2024 - Reference full-stack React Native + Serverless + Terraform architecture
wiretap 0.0.17 - A Clojure library for adding generic trace support without having to modify code
flow-storm-debugger 3.11.0 - A debugger for Clojure and ClojureScript with some unique features
edamame 1.4.24 - Configurable EDN/Clojure parser with location metadata
hirundo 0.1.31 - Helidon 4.x RING adapter - using loom/java21+
marginalia 0.9.2 - Ultra-lightweight literate programming for clojure inspired by docco
lein-marginalia 0.9.2 - A Marginalia plugin to Leiningen
clojure-lsp 2024.02.01-11.01.59 - Clojure & ClojureScript Language Server (LSP) implementation
sci-koans - A port of Clojurescript koans to SCI translated to Portuguese
clay 2-alpha77 - A tiny Clojure tool for dynamic workflow of data visualization and literate programming
polylith-kaocha 0.8.4 - Kaocha-based test runner for Polylith
overarch 0.8.0 - A data driven description of software architecture based on UML and the C4 model