Clojure Deref (Jan 20, 2023)

Clojure Deref (Jan 20, 2023)

20 January 2023
Alex Miller

Welcome to the Clojure Deref! This is a weekly link/news roundup for the Clojure ecosystem. (@ClojureDeref RSS)

Libraries and tools

New releases and tools this week:

  • bb-dialog 0.2 - A simple wrapper library for working with dialog from Babashka

  • neil 0.1.48 - A CLI to add common aliases and features to deps.edn-based projects

  • carve.el - Emacs plugin for borkdude/carve

  • datalevin 0.8.0 - A simple, fast and versatile Datalog database

  • mina 0.1.11 - Helidon Nima ring adapter for clojure

  • kushi - Styling in ClojureScript

  • tab - A tool for tabulating Clojure collections

  • pod-babashka-buddy 0.3.3 - A pod around buddy core (Cryptographic Api for Clojure)

  • 0.9.2 - Clojure builds as Clojure programs

  • fs 0.2.14 - File system utility library for Clojure

  • waterfall 0.1.33 - Apache Kafka clients in idiomatic Clojure

  • - Wrapper library aroud pod-babashka-instaparse

  • muotti 1.0.0 - Muotti is a graph based value transformer library

  • babashka 1.0.170 - Native, fast starting Clojure interpreter for scripting

  • bbin 0.1.8 - Install any Babashka script or project with one command

  • clj-kondo 2023.01.20 - Static analyzer and linter for Clojure code that sparks joy

  • kaocha 1.73.1175 - Full featured next gen Clojure test runner

  • deja-fu 1.4.58 - ClojureScript local time/date library with a delightful API

  • joyride 0.0.32 - Making VS Code Hackable like Emacs

  • calva 2.0.324 - Clojure & ClojureScript Interactive Programming for VS Code

  • fulcro 3.6.0-RC4 - A library for development of single-page full-stack web applications in clj/cljs

  • honeysql 2.4.969 - Turn Clojure data structures into SQL

  • 1.2.0 - A map optimized for integer keys

  • hawk - It watches your code like a hawk! You like tests, right? Then run them with our state-of-the-art Clojure test runner.

  • pre-commit-clojure - pre-commit hooks for Clojure