09 September 2022
Alex Miller
Welcome to the Clojure Deref! This is a weekly link/news roundup for the Clojure ecosystem. (@ClojureDeref RSS)
So many cool things happening this week in the Clojure Deref! I would encourage you to dive into some of the links below in every section - there are really interesting podcasts, videos, blogs, articles, and new libraries this week and I feel like repeating them all here just takes time away from you looking below, so do that!
I will mention the Clojurists Together Q3 2022 Funding Announcement though - it so cool to see the community collectively funding such a wide variety of projects. Many thanks to all the project developers doing the work, the community supporting them, and Clojurists Together for being the glue that brings them all together.
:janet-a-carr (Ms. Free-lance-a-lot frees her SaaSy thoughts) - Lost in Lambduhhs by Jordan Miller
Starting a fresh Clojure project with Neovim REPL driven development - Oliver Caldwell
Clojure visual-tools meeting 11: tooling for learning resources, a peek into Data Rabbit - Sci Cloj
Transform MS Office into Cloud-savvy Linked Data Microservices With Clojure on .NET (by Bob Calco) - London Clojurians
Analyzing Every Clojure Project on Github - Adrian Smith
Dogfooding Blambda 5: To parse—perchance to dream - Josh Glover
Zippo: additions to the standard clojure.zip package - Ivan Grishaev
Biff updates for August - Jacob O’Bryant
Implementing a comments feature for my blog with nbb, htmx, Serverless Framework, and DynamoDB - Nick Cellino
ClojureScript workflow with Clojure CLI tools and Figwheel-main - Practicalli
Instrumenting Clojure protocols - Ambrose Bonnaire-Sergeant
Fun ways to break your Macros - Ambrose Bonnaire-Sergeant
A Significant clojure.test Enhancement - Ambrose Bonnaire-Sergeant
New releases and tools this week:
ham-fisted 1.000-beta-1 - High performance HAMT
zippo 0.1.0 - Additions to the standard clojure.zip package
clj-qp 0.5 - Lib to solve quadratic programs in clojure, wrapping FICO xpress solver
brisk 0.2.1 - Freeze and thaw with Nippy at the command line
sklearn-clj 0.4.0 - This library gives easy access in Clojure to all estimators and models from python scikit-learn, using internally libpython-clj
interceptor 0.1.14 - Small Interceptor lib for clojure
babashka 0.9.162 - Native, fast starting Clojure interpreter for scripting
cartestian - Test all the combinations
honeysql 2.3.928 - Turn Clojure data structures into SQL
skyscraper 0.3.3 - Structural scraping for the rest of us
calva 2.0.299 - Clojure & ClojureScript Interactive Programming for VS Code
vectops - Basic operations with Clojure vectors
clj-otel 0.1.5 - An idiomatic Clojure API for adding telemetry to your libraries and applications using OpenTelemetry
datalevin 0.6.17 - A simple, fast and versatile Datalog database
clojure-deps-edn - User level aliases and Clojure CLI configuration for deps.edn based projects
healthy 0.1.17 - A simple Clojure (JVM) library for doing health checks over a given duration
clerk 0.10.550 - Moldable Live Programming for Clojure
yoltq 0.2.61 - An opinionated Datomic queue for building (more) reliable systems
sitefox 0.0.8 - Node + cljs backend web framework
carve 0.2.0 - Carve out the essentials of your Clojure app
clj-kondo 2022.09.08 - Static analyzer and linter for Clojure code that sparks joy
methodical 0.13.2 - Functional and flexible multimethods for Clojure
launchpad - Clojure/nREPL launcher build kit
nbb 0.7.133 - Scripting in Clojure on Node.js using SCI